The Farmily
Maddie Johnson is an Emmy-winning producer, animal rescuer, and runs the mission-driven Instagram account (@livingwithpickles) that gets roughly 3 million impressions per week. She features pet, lifestyle, home decor, and cruelty-free food/fashion products. She has appeared on Good Morning America, The Today Show, The Dodo, Animal Planet, People Magazine, the New York Post and local TV news. LWP's content is creative, wholesome, playful, and charming. A typical post features Maddie alongside what she calls the "farm-ily"—her 10+ rescue pets (pigs, dogs, chickens, rabbits) and constant rotation of fosters (oftentimes puppies but she's also rehabilitated lambs, piglets, bunnies, and even a baby cow named Eric). Their community has fallen in love with LWP's rescue mission, the off-the-chart levels of cute, and sharing in the joys of gardening, design, and beloved farm-ily pets.